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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Merge PDF files for free!!!

What: I don't know about you but I get annoyed with file clutter on my computer, in the cloud and any other place that I keep files. Sometimes this is due to having multiple PDF files that all pertain to the same topic. Have you ever dreamed of magically making all those individual PDF files into one file? What about doing it for free? PDF Merge provides a web tool that can complete this process for you in a snap.

1) Select the files that you want to merge into one single file. If you do not have enough blanks click the red plus sign to add more files.

2) Once you have all the files you want to merge into one file, click the Merge! button and let PDF Merge do the rest. 

Techtastic Integration
As I had previously mentioned, file clutter can be obnoxious. If you are looking for a way to organize your PDF files, PDF Merge can help. What about students? If students are doing a collaborative project and need to combine their PDF resources, PDF Merge can serve as a tool to combine all their files.